Portage Michigan Senior Pictures: Meet Sami T


Hi! My name is Sami (well technically it's Samantha but I've been called Sami since the day I was born.) I'm 16 and the youngest in my grade at my school. I love dogs and I have 4 of them. I also am very passionate and involved with the arts. Specifically drawing, painting, photography, and theatre. I love art because it is super cool to me that so many people can express their talents and creativity in so many different forms.  I would like to learn more about photography techniques as well as more about art history.

Sami just moved up from last year's Teen WLB Team into my Class of 2018 Senior Team, and I'm so excited to have her back for her last year of High School!!  

Follow Sami and the rest of the Angelworks Class of 2018 Model Team
as we add new Fun Shoots each month!

We are booking Senior Sessions for the Class of 2018 right Now!!